“Joint forces for common interests”

The Institute for Policy Research and Good Governance – IPRG starting from August 2016 took part as a local mentoring organization in the project “Joint Forces for Common Interests”. The project is financed by the European Union and is implemented by COSV – Prilep with partnership of the Center for Civic Initiative and the Women’s Civic Initiative -ANTIKO.

The aim of this project is the strengthening of the capacities of the local civil society in analysis and evidence based advocacy to foster intercommunity relations, especially in the multiethnic municipalities. Joint actions will be stimulated to bring together CSOs and the local government and increase reciprocal trust, identify common needs and insure the involvement of all community groups. The main role of IPRG as a mentoring organization is to coordinate the activities of the project regarding the cooperation with the Municipality of Cair and its representatives.

The first phase of the projects is implemented where representatives of the mentoring organizations along with the representatives of the municipalities were participating in trainings for identification of the needs and advocacy organized by COSV – Prilep and the partner organizations Center for Civic Initiative and the Women Civic Initiative –  ANTIKO.

Within the project, community forums will be organized for common needs identification. Also, different communities of multi-ethnic municipalities will be involved in order to highlight and understand common interests. These forums will enhance community’s interactions and inter-ethnic relations.

More info about the project you can find by clicking the link below:
